Aleksandra Wiśniewska

Office hours: upon request


Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2021) “I go, I pay”. The impact of cultural experience on willingness to subsidize culture. [In:] La economía de la cultura. Una disciplina joven. Homenaje al profesor Víctor Fernández Blanco (Cultural economics, a youthful subject. Tribute to Professor Víctor Fernández Blanco), eds. L. C. Herrero-Prieto, J. P. Rodríguez. University of Oviedo.

Wiśniewska, A., Budziński, W., and Czajkowski M. (2020) An economic valuation of access to cultural institutions: museums, theatres, and cinemas. Journal of Cultural Economics, 44(4): 563-587, DOI:10.1007/s10824-020-09375-3.

Wiśniewska, A. (2019) Quality attributes in the non-market stated-preference based valuation of cultural goods. Central European Economic Journal, 6(53), 132-150. DOI: 10.2478/ceej-2019-0012.

Wiśniewska, A., and Czajkowski, M. (2019) Designing a socially efficient cultural policy: the case of municipal theatres in Warsaw. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(4): 445-457. DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2017.1308504.

Fernández-Blanco, V., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., and Wiśniewska, A. (2019) Measuring technical efficiency and marginal costs in the performing arts: the case of the municipal theatres of Warsaw. Journal of Cultural Economics, 43(1): 97-119. DOI: 10.1007/s10824-018-9330-8.

Czajkowski, M., Vossler, C.A., Budziński, W., Wiśniewska, A., and E. Zawojska. (2017) Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preference methods. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 142, 47-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2017.07.023

Kukołowicz, T., Modzelewska, M.,  Siechowicz, P., and  Wiśniewska, A. (2016) The role of local self-government in financial support for cultural policies in Poland between 1990 and 2015. Studia BAS, 2(46): 229-250

Wiśniewska, A. (2012) Akademia powstańcza. Didaskalia, 112: 126-127.

Wiśniewska, A. (2012) Być w polityce. Didaskalia, 108: 110-111.