Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2024). The Prospect of Loss in Stated Preference Valuation of Built Heritage. 11th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, Segovia, Spain, September 4-6.
Zawojska, E., Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2023). Interregional benefit transfer of theater services. 22nd International Conference on Cultural Economics, Bloomington, IN, United States, June 27-30.
Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2023). Behaviorally informed economic valuation of endangered built heritage. 22nd International Conference on Cultural Economics, Bloomington, IN, United States, June 27-30.
Wiśniewska, A., Baldin, A., Bille, T., and Zawojska, E. (2022). Reliability of international benefit transfer in cultural economics: Non-market valuation of theater in Denmark and Poland. 10th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, Turin, Italy, September 8-10.
Zawojska, E., Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2022). Benefit transfer for performing arts using stated choice models: Evidence for validity and reliability. 7th International Choice Modelling Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland, May 23-25.
Zawojska, E., Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2022). The use of benefit transfer for performing arts: Evidence for validity and reliability. Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis 2022 Annual Conference, Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, virtual, March 17-18 and 21-22.
Zawojska, E., Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2022). The use of benefit transfer for performing arts: Evidence for validity and reliability. International Women’s Day Conference in Economics, Finance and Management, University of Economics in Katowice, virtual, March 8-9.
Zawojska, E., Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2021). The use of benefit transfer for performing arts: Evidence for validity and reliability. 2nd Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis: European Conference, Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, virtual, October 19-20.
Jusypenko, B., and Wiśniewska, A. (2021). The effect of the scope of information provision on the stated-preference based valuation of neglected cultural heritage. Young Researchers Workshop, 21st International Conference on Cultural Economics, Association for Cultural Economics International, virtual, July 6-9.
Wiśniewska, A., and Zawojska, E. (June 2021) Decomposition of the economic value of cultural goods. The case of theatre performances. 5th International Economic Philosophy Conference, Virtual.
Wiśniewska, A., and Zawojska, E. (September 2020) Non-use value of theater performances. Conference of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw, Virtual.
Wiśniewska, A., and Zawojska, E. (September 2019) Decomposition of the economic value of cultural goods. The case of theatre performances, 9th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wiśniewska, A., Budziński, W., and Czajkowski, M. (June 2019) Publicly funded cultural institutions – a comparative economic valuation study, 15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Venice, Italy.
Wiśniewska, A. (June 2018) Passive-use value (and merit attributes) of performing arts, 20th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Melbourne, Australia.
Wiśniewska, A., Fernández-Blanco, V., and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. (June 2018). Measuring technical efficiency and marginal costs in the performing arts: the case of the municipal theatres of Warsaw. 20th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Melbourne, Australia.
Fernández-Blanco, V., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., and Wiśniewska, A. (March 2018) Measuring technical efficiency and marginal costs in the performing arts: the case of the municipal theatres of Warsaw, VIII Workshop in Cultural Economics and Management, Sevilla, Spain.
Wiśniewska A. (September 2017) Passive-use value and merit attributes of performing arts, 8th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, Kraków, Poland.
Czajkowski, M., Vossler, C. A., Budziński, W., Wiśniewska, A., and Zawojska, E. (April 2017) Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preferences methods. International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. Read more.
Fernandez-Blanco, V., Rodriguez-Alvarez A., and Wiśniewska A. (September 2017) Measuring technical efficiency and marginal costs in the performing arts: the case of the municipal theatres of Warsaw. 8th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, Kraków, Poland
Czajkowski, M., Vossler, C. A., Budziński, W., Wiśniewska, A., and Zawojska, E. (October 2016) Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preferences methods. Economics Brown Bag Seminar, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Read more.