Polish Conference on Cultural Economics 2022
The ACEP is pleased to announce the 1st Polish Conference on Cultural Economics! The Conference is organised with the University of Warsaw, and will take place on November 24, 2022 in Warsaw. The event constitutes an opportunity for meeting other cultural researchers, and a space to both exchange ideas and present ongoing projects. It will create the foundation for future collaboration of researchers of various affiliations. We hope for your attendance and that we jointly make this conference a success!
Open lectures live stream (click here for more information)
Date and location
The conference will take place on November 24, 2022 at the location of the Faculty of Modern Languages in Warsaw (next to the Warsaw University Library), in rooms 0.410 and 1.110 (the workshop part).
Address: Dobra St. 55, Warsaw, Poland
How to get there (examples):
M2 line of the Warsaw metro to the “Centrum Nauki Kopernik” station and 600m of walking (you can take the Metro train, e.g., from the “Rondo ONZ” station, which is 700m from the Warsaw Central Railway station).
The bus 127 has stops both at the location and the Warsaw Central Railway station.
Conference hashtag: #ACEPconference
Open lectures (in English)
We invite everyone to participate in the open lectures at 10:00 and 15:00 CET (as in the schedule below). Attendance will be possible
- on-site: in room 0.410 of the Faculty of Modern Languages at Dobra St. 55 in Warsaw. For those attending the lecture by prof. Borowiecki we ask for coming at 9:45 as the lecture will take place directly after the opening remarks, without any break in between.
- online: at the conference website, where a live transmission of the lectures will be made available.
Registration for the lectures is not required. You can read more about the lectures here.
Date: Nov. 24, 2022 (Thursday)
All hours given in Central European Time.
Part I
9:45 – 10:00: Official opening
10:00 – 10:50: „What Drives the Creativity of Music Composers? Some Insights from Economic History of the Arts” (prof. Karol Borowiecki, University of Southern Denmark) – open lecture in English (abstract and live streaming)
10:50 – 11:00: coffee break
Part II. Mapowanie badań ilościowych kultury w Polsce
11:00 – 12:15: Panel discussion: „The state and need for quantitative cultural studies in Poland” (prof. dr hab. Barbara Fatyga, Katedra Metod Badania Kultury ISNS UW; dr Wojciech Hardy, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych UW; prof. dr hab. Dorota Ilczuk, Centrum Badań nad Gospodarką Kreatywną SWPS; Piotr Lewandowski, Institute for Structural Research – IBS; dr Paweł Płoski, Wiedza o Teatrze, Akademia Teatralna im. A. Zelwerowicza w Warszawie; Stanisław Trzciński, STX Music Solutions i Centrum Badań nad Gospodarką Kreatywną SWPS; moderation: dr Jarosław Górski i dr Aleksandra Wiśniewska, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych UW) (More about the panelists)
12:15 – 12:30: Cultural economics around the world. Association for Cultural Economics International (prof. Karol Borowiecki, University of Southern Denmark)
12:30 – 13:15: lunch
13:15 – 14:45 (room 1.110): Workshop „Mapping quantitative cultural studies in Poland” (in teams; moderators: dr Jarosław Górski i dr Aleksandra Wiśniewska, WNE UW)
14:45 – 15:00: coffee break
Part III
15:00 – 16:30: „Values of Arts and Culture” (prof. Trine Bille, Copenhagen Business School, President of Association for Cultural Economics International) – open lecture in English (abstract and live streaming)
16:30 – 16:45: Official closing
Part IV
17:30 – 18:30: Joint tour to the STUDIO Theater (at Plac Defilad 1 – the location of the Palace of Culture and Science) with the guidance of Aleksandra Wiśniewska – a longtime theater production manager.
19:00 – 21:00: dinner at Cafe Kulturalna (payment not covered) – Plac Defilad 1 (at the location of the Palace of Culture and Science)
Aside from the two open guest lectures, the conference language is Polish.
Special guests
Prof. Trine Bille
Trine Bille received her PhD degree from University of Copenhagen and is academically related to the Copenhagen Business School. She authored over 100 scientific articles on cultural economics and cultural policy, published in, i.a., the Journal of Cultural Economics and the International Journal of Cultural Policy. She’s also the co-editor of the Teaching Cultural Economics handbook, and works with the Routledge, Elsevier Science and Edward Elgar publishers. Her work has been cited by top cultural economists, including B. Frey, M. Blaug, D. Throsby, M. Hutter or R. Towse. Since 2018, she’s been the President of the Association of Cultural Economics International. She often acts as consultant and advisor, for e.g. The Royal Danish Theater, The Danish Ministry of Culture, and the Norwegian Ministry of Culture.
Prof. Karol J. Borowiecki
University of Southern Denmark professor, holding a PhD in economics (Trinity College Dublin) and in economic history (Lund University). Karol is globally ranked among top 5% economists and is among the top-10 cultural economists in the world (Ideas RePEc). Pioneer of the economic history of arts. Author of numerous scientific publications and the co-editor of a book on cultural heritage (published by Springer), which became the reference point for researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders (more than 400 thousand downloads). Some of his innovative work is regarded as path-breaking, e.g., the UN World Happiness Report 2019. One of the leaders of the INCULTUM (H2020) and RICHES (ERC) projects.
In case of questions, please write: acep@uw.edu.pl
Organising committee

Aleksandra Wiśniewska, PhD
Faculty of Economic Sciences,
Chair of Microeconomics

Bartosz Jusypenko
Faculty of Economic Sciences,
Chair of Microeconomics

Wojciech Hardy, PhD
Faculty of Economic Sciences,
Chair of Technological Transformation
Conference support
Barbara Błaszczak
Wiktoria Kossakowska-Wojdaszka
Currently pursuing a BA degree in History of Art and a dual Masters degree in Law granted by the University of Warsaw in cooperation with the University of Poitiers. During her studies she has directed her attention towards the legal aspects of Intellectual Property and became interested in its impact on creative industries. She’s also an enthusiast of linguistics and opera music.