Wojciech Hardy

Office hours, Room B201 or A204:
Mondays, 16:45-17:45.
Wednesdays, 13:30-14:30.
Send me an e-mail first (!)

Reproducible Research

The course is taught as part of the Data Science and Quantitative Finance programmes. It covers the topics of reproducibility in research, as well as repetition and replication. This includes the importance of reproducibility, as well as how to achieve it and what tools might come in handy. The covered topics include, i.a.:

– The importance of reproducibility and replication.
– Working with Git and GitHub.
– Remote repositories.
– Code documentation.
– Writing in a clean and precise manner.
– Automated reports (Quarto and Markdown).
– Reproducible environments.
– Code testing
– Online repositories
– Metanalysis

The 2024 edition of the course is coordinated by Wojciech Hardy who conducts the on-site classes.