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Hardy, W., Kiełczewska, A., Lewandowski, P. and Magda, I. (2017) Job Retention among Older Workers in Central and Eastern Europe, 5th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, Mannheim, Germany.
Hardy, W. (2017) Brace yourselves, pirates are coming! The long-term effects of Game Of Thrones leak on TV viewership, Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2017 (WIEM), Warsaw, Poland.
Hardy, W. (2017) Brace yourselves, pirates are coming! The long-term effects of Game Of Thrones leak on TV viewership, 3rd International DELab UW Conference: Ongoing digitalization of economies and societies, Warsaw, Poland.
Hardy, W. (2017) Brace yourselves, pirates are coming! The long-term effects of Game Of Thrones leak on TV viewership, CopyCamp 2017, Warsaw, Poland. (Recording).
Hardy, W. (2017) (Panel discussion) Creators and users among online platforms and blockchains – the future of collective governance, Internet Governance Forum Poland 2017, Warsaw, Poland. (Recording).
Hardy, W. (2015) Does YouTube displace music sales? Evidence from a natural experiment, Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2015 (WIEM), Warsaw, Poland
Hardy, W. (2015) Internet „piracy” – what we have learned from three years of experiments and research (pol. „Piractwo” internetowe czyli czego nauczyły nas trzy lata eksperymentów i badań), 2015 Scientific Days (pol. Dni Nauki 2015), Avangarda, Warsaw, Poland
Hardy, W. (2014) How to perfectly discriminate in a crowd? A theoretical model of crowdfunding, European School of New Institutional Economics, Cargese, France.
Hardy, W., Krawczyk, M. and Tyrowicz, J. (2014) Why is online piracy ethically different from theft? A vignette experiment, Royal Economic Society conference, Manchester, England.
Hardy, W., Krawczyk, M. and Tyrowicz, J. (2014) Why is online piracy ethically different from theft? A vignette experiment, The 17th World Congress of the International Economic Association, Dead Sea, Jordan.
Krawczyk, M., Tyrowicz, J., Hardy, W. and Kukla-Gryz, A. (2014) ”Piracy is not theft!” Is it just students who think so?, 31st Annual European Association of Law & Economics conference, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Hardy, W., Krawczyk, M. and Tyrowicz, J. (2014) Internet piracy and book sales: a field experiment, 31st Annual European Association of Law & Economics conference, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Hardy, W. (2014) E-book, audiobook and book – friends or foes? (pol. E-book, audiobook i książka – Wrogowie czy przyjaciele?), GRAPE Conference: „Piracy” on the book market – what we know and what we don’t, Warsaw, Poland.
Hardy, W., Krawczyk, M. and Tyrowicz, J. (2014) Internet piracy and book sales: a field experiment, CopyCamp 2014, Warsaw, Poland. (Recording).