Office hours at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, room B201
Mondays, 13:45-14:45.
Wednesdays, 12:00-13:00.
Please send an e-mail first (!)
Reproducible Research | Materials
Course presentations
(assignments in parentheses)
DS – refers to the Wednesday groups, and the 15:00 and 18:30 Thursday groups
QF – refers to the 16:45 Thursday group
Reproducible Research – Why RR? (Data Science) (Quantitative Finance)
Reproducible Research – Git 1 (assignments: Exercises 0-4)
Reproducible Research – Git 2 (assignments: Exercises 5-7 – if not done previously)
Reproducible Research – Git 3 (no assignments)
Reproducible Research – Git 4 (two GitHub-related assignments from these slides)
Reproducible Research – Coding and documentation (code-cleaning assignment at the end of the presentation)
05.04.2023 (DS) / 27.04.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Toolbox #1 (no checked assignments, but give ChatGPT a try)
13.04.2023 (QF) / 26.04.2023 and 04.05.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown (intro presentation)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown (materials) (Assignment from the .html file)
20.04.2023 (QF) / 10.05 and 18.05.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown 2 (Assignment from the .html file)
27.04.2023 (QF) / 17.05 and 25.05.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown 3 (Assignment from the .html file in the folder “4. Params”)
24.05.2023 and 01.06.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Metaanalysis (Assignment from the .html file)
31.05.2023 and 15.06.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Toolbox #2 (No assignments)
Not sure how to submit the assignments? The key steps are:
1) Have a fork of the course repository.
2) Clone it to your computer.
3) Set a remote path to the original course repository. Use it to pull the new materials.
4) Work on the assignment. Commit it. Push it to your repository fork.
For a more detailed description of the setup check here: Setting up the course repository