Wojciech Hardy

Office hours at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, room B201
Mondays, 13:45-14:45.
Wednesdays, 12:00-13:00.
Please send an e-mail first (!)

Reproducible Research | Materials

Course presentations

(assignments in parentheses)
DS – refers to the Wednesday groups, and the 15:00 and 18:30 Thursday groups
QF – refers to the 16:45 Thursday group


Reproducible Research – Why RR? (Data Science) (Quantitative Finance)

Reproducible Research – Git 1
(assignments: Exercises 0-4)

Reproducible Research – Git 2 (assignments: Exercises 5-7 – if not done previously)

Reproducible Research – Git 3 (no assignments)

Reproducible Research – Git 4 (two GitHub-related assignments from these slides)

Reproducible Research – Coding and documentation (code-cleaning assignment at the end of the presentation)

05.04.2023 (DS) / 27.04.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Toolbox #1 (no checked assignments, but give ChatGPT a try)

13.04.2023 (QF) / 26.04.2023 and 04.05.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown (intro presentation)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown (materials) (Assignment from the .html file)

20.04.2023 (QF) / 10.05 and 18.05.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown 2 (Assignment from the .html file)

27.04.2023 (QF) / 17.05 and 25.05.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Quarto and Markdown 3 (Assignment from the .html file in the folder “4. Params”)

24.05.2023 and 01.06.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Metaanalysis (Assignment from the .html file)

31.05.2023 and 15.06.2023 (DS)
Reproducible Research – Toolbox #2 (No assignments)


Not sure how to submit the assignments? The key steps are:
1) Have a fork of the course repository.
2) Clone it to your computer.
3) Set a remote path to the original course repository. Use it to pull the new materials.
4) Work on the assignment. Commit it. Push it to your repository fork.

For a more detailed description of the setup check here: Setting up the course repository

Other: switching system language to something other than Polish in the lab computers:
1) go to Windows settings (Polish “Ustawienia”) – the cogwheel icon.
2) choose Time & Language (Polish “Czas i Język”).
3a) in the menu “Język wyświetlania systemu” check if your preferred language is there.
3b) if it’s not there click “Dodaj język” (with the + symbol) and add your preferred language.
4) you should be able to switch to that language in the dropdown menu above (or possibly it got set when you added it to the list).