Wojciech Hardy
Office hours at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, room B201
Mondays, 13:45-14:45.
Wednesdays, 12:00-13:00.
Please send an e-mail first (!)
Hi! I’m a researcher with a particular interest in topics related to digitisation and its effects on various aspects of everyday life. I’m an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw and a member of several research groups. As a member of ACEP, I focus on topics of creative sectors, digital entertainment and attention economics. As a member of LabFam I study the effects of technological change on labour and fertility. As a member of DELab, I follow the current digitalisation trends and run the online Digital Europe Economic seminars. My PhD thesis covered the topic of digital disruption in creative sectors with a specific focus on the American comic book market.
I’m currently running a project on attention economics in digital entertainment, funded through a Polish National Science Centre OPUS grant.
Beyond research, I spend most of my time being a dad. But I’m also fond of music, games (board and video), myths and folk tales from around the world, and graphic novels.